After reading Visability by Italo Calvino I thought that it was interesting that he included Dante in explaining different types of visual representations. On page 83 where Calvino says, "...we read a scene in a novel or the report of some event in a newspaper and, according to the greater or lesser effectiveness of the text, we are brought to witness the scene as if it were taking place before our eyes, or at least to witness certain fragments or details of the scene that are singled out". I think this is an important quote when thinking about art because different people can have a different perception or image in their head when asked to view a piece of art just like they would when reading a novel. I think that these differing views and interpretations are what makes art such a versatile medium for expression.

This is the same sculpture viewed at different angles that show 2 different images.

This is the same sculpture viewed at different angles that show 2 different images.
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